The effects that mold can have on your health vary from person to person but are typically allergic in nature. Please consult a health professional if you think you have symptoms related to mold exposure. Removing the mold form the structure you occupy (home, office, etc.) should be one of the first steps you take to limit the health effects of mold exposure. Changing your air conditioner filters regularly to a MERV 7 or 8 rated filter is one way to help your environment’s air quality. Also make sure your HVAC system is cooling properly and limiting the relative humidity in your structure. By controlling the humidity levels, you can help eliminate excessive moisture from the material in your home or business. Mold needs moisture to thrive, thus by limiting the moisture in your environment, you can successfully limit your mold exposure. Also, having your environment inspected for window, roof, and other leaks annually is a proactive way to avoid a mold problem in the first place.
How Do Molds Affect People?:
Some people are sensitive to mold. For these people, exposure to mold can cause symptoms such as nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation. Some people, such as those with serious allergies to mold, may have more severe reactions. Likewise, severe reactions may occur among workers exposed to large amounts of mold in occupational settings, such as farmers working around moldy hay. Severe reactions may include fever and shortness of breath. Some people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may develop mold infections in their lungs. In 2004 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found that there was sufficient evidence to link indoor exposure to mold with upper respiratory tract symptoms, including coughing and wheezing, in otherwise healthy people; with asthma symptoms in people with asthma; and with hypersensitivity pneumonitis in individuals susceptible to that immune-mediated condition. The IOM also found limited or suggestive evidence linking indoor mold exposure and respiratory illness in otherwise healthy children. (Source: Center for Disease Control)